Tuesday 28 June 2016

Quebec Now Has a Gun Registry

I will get straight to the point: to those of you who live in Quebec I have this to say:

1) If you want to buy a gun from me, I am in no way going to bow down to your provincial government.  I will continue to respect your privacy by not recording or reporting sales information to Big Brother.  (I still need to verify a PAL as per the law).  You can make your own decision whether you are going to comply or not.

2) Once you do register your guns, a few years down the road they will force you to pay a registration fee like they do for cars (probably a yearly fee of $100 per gun).  They will break you financially to force you to give up your hobby. It is not inconceivable that they create several registration fees, perhaps $300 for semi-autos or $400 for a prescribed list of scary non-restricted guns like the VZ58.   Who can stop them from doing it?  The law is in place and everything can now be done with the bureaucracy.   The average gun owner owns 7 firearms…. How many do you own?  What will your yearly costs be for compliance?

3) Anti-gun people are never going to be happy until your guns are destroyed and you are dead in a gas chamber.  Consider that when you make decisions in the next few weeks.

4) Specter Arms continues to stand by the wrongly persecuted people of Quebec.

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