Monday, 9 November 2020

Alberta Survey

 As of this date, the Alberta government has an online survey relating to the recent firearms ban and thoughts on the newly appointed - made in Alberta - CFO office.

On the question of the CFO office, I had this to say....

As a former military intelligence analyst and someone who works commercially in this field, there are several recommendations that would be supported by the public as well as would improve public safety:

1) The firearms act provides for inspection of storage of firearms.  Using this provision, inspections of restricted firearms will deter and catch straw purchasing.  Analytics would be used to determine the most likely targets to efficiently use our resources.

2) End the adversarial model currently employed by the Alberta CFO office.  Develop partnerships with business and cultivate human intelligence contacts in the industry. Speaking from experience, I run into people trying to circumvent the law or do shady stuff.  People in the industry like myself are reluctant to pass this information on because it draws attention to ourselves.  With the adversarial model currently employed, a lot of useful law enforcement intelligence is lost.

3) Require that all CFO employees have a firearms licence.  Although the police act exempts law enforcement, most people in the CFO office are not sworn law enforcement.  They provide a function without understanding the entire rigorous system.  This contributes to the adversarial nature.  The CFO should provide a measure of public safety by friendly co-operation with the public.  They should not be seen as a system of social control.

4) Terminate those who make insulting comments like "Soldiers shouldn't be allowed to own guns because they know how to use them."

Saturday, 3 October 2020

Welcome Hell: Population - You


Antifa and BLM terrorism have been welcomed with open arms with Antifa agitators in Ponaka two weeks ago, hitting old ladies with water bottles. The agitators were openly welcomed by the opposition leader Rachel Notley in a video praising their anti-racism message.

Just yesterday I saw a video of BLM terrorists rushing a line of Edmonton police bicycle cops screaming "move bitch, get out the way!"  The cops fled; probably wisely too as there is no media outlet in Edmonton who would ever show footage like that making any police response seem draconian.   Edmonton police have already had 11 million taken from their budget after a city hall "defund the police" meeting. 

Also in Edmonton, a tent city refuses to leave unless their demands are met.   Response?  The city capitulated proving, once again, that terrorism works.

Trudeau wanted to import racial divisions for a long time and now that it has appeared in small town western Canada, he knows his job is nearly complete. 

People call our prime minister a stupid man child.  And perhaps he is, but his actions (perhaps not envisioned by himself ) are nothing short of a stroke of sinister genius. 

Like Che Guverra, he is seeking to undermine our police and security services to make the people turn away from the government and welcome a system that is totalitarian and controlling of every facet of our lives.  Those that oppose this new wave Marxism will be happy to give emergency powers to the PM to stop their cities from burning.  Either way leads to the end of the tiny amount of freedom we have and a covert ceding of power to Trudeau's masters. 

Trudeau seeks to blame all our problems on one ethnic group overtly. He allows for anti semetism on the down low.  He has made public speeches condemning Christians.  And much like another socialist of years gone by, he uses a manufactured crisis to support his own goals by controlling the media, limiting debate and ruling like a dictator.  With the Liberal plan to regulate the internet, soon we will have a system like North Korea, where only state approved messages will be allowed. People like me will be silenced. Finally, he is treating the Muslims like useful idiots and cannon fodder in his cultural war.  Kind of like that same socialist in years gone by.  Evil, but effective. 

Poverty will force people into making more and more drastic choices as they struggle to survive and start to lose hope.  1930s Germany saw its primary political parties become the Communists and the National Socialists.  There were no moderates.  Prior to the last election the Liberals tried to set themselves up as the dominant far left party; an accolade traditionally held by the NDP.

I just can't help but think this was a plan that was a long time in the making.  What are the mathematical probabilities that all these factors that successfully propelled socialism to nearly conquer the world with racism years ago has randomly happened again with such precision? 

Tuesday, 14 July 2020

AR15 Straight Pull Bolt Actions - Farts and Fairydust

"People appreciate it when you tell the truth, until you tell the truth to them; then you're an asshole" - George Carlin

On 1May the long expected ban list was released.  Our prediction had an astounding 90% accuracy.  What was not expected was the overreach that happened next.
The RCMP, in a vengeful and petty fashion, decided to go above and beyond the 1May order in council (OIC) and ban many firearms as AR15 variants despite previous, documented opinions that they were in fact not. They named anything that remotely looked like an AR15 including a bolt action shotgun and a cheap 22 as variants. There was no consideration for action, mechanics or caliber.

Now this is the truth that will outrage people; the new crop of "defeatist" firearms such as the all the straight pull AR15s being released... Are going to be banned.

Don't kid yourself, they banned a BOLT ACTION shotgun because it looked like an AR15. They will ban your bolt action AR15 forgery because .... Wait for it ... It looks like a AR15. And surprise, surprise, unlike the shotgun, these new rifles are legitimately variants using a lot of the same internals and external furniture.

So the people who got kicked in the nuts with the AR15 ban are being tricked into taking a big ol' cock slap by getting stuck with even more banned firearms.

But the trustworthy government promised you a buyback... No risk, right?  Are you foolish enough to believe there will be a buyback? What party will pair with the minority government to vote for that? To give something to a group they distain? They already made the guns illegal... They already won, they don't need to make concessions.

Yes buying these guns is chasing good money after bad.  They could of built these designs to look externally like a SCAR or Tavor (both safe, un-bannable designs) or even did something original but they made the choice to make them look like AR15s in the hope of appealing to anger-blind gun owners for a quick buck.

Put your money into fighting for your real AR15 back or get a new gun; don't piss it away on a fairytale scam hoping to appease your Liberal masters.

Get up and fight

Sunday, 10 May 2020

The 20ga Combat Load

With all the fear surrounding the use of 12Ga shotguns many  people are looking to the nearly as powerful 20Ga to pick up the slack. 

Now 20Ga has a lot of advantages, the slight loss in power is more than compensated for by the drop in recoil.  But as it is a smaller round, there is no direct version of the 00 Buck round in 20ga.

For reference a 00 Buck 12ga round uses 9 projectiles measuring 0.33" is diameter.

But we at Specter Arms found an alternative that is almost identical to the 12Ga 00 buck round.

Rio ammunition produces a 9 projectile round of #1 buckshot.  These projectiles are only 0.030" smaller than the 00 projectiles.  It will do all the things the larger 12ga 00 Buck can do.

Specter Arms sells these on the website.  So if you are concerned about your 12Ga being legal, moving to 20ga is not a step down and is just as capable as its larger cousin at the same price point.

Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Now Is The Time To Panic

With even MSN reporting that “Coronavirus will bankrupt more people than it kills and that’s the real emergency” we can’t ignore the economic disaster waiting to smash the economy and create hyperinflation.  A tsunami of hunger, crime and despair are about to take hold.

And don’t count on the government to help you; the immediate go-to for socialists is always price controls which like in Zimbabwe and Venezuela, simply stops people from producing these goods.   And like every socialist nation before, they need to come for your guns before it gets bad – In Canada, by the recent affirmation of disarmament by the Prime Minister, that time has come.
Everyone reading this document was around for the 2008 Financial Crisis.  What you may not know is we were 3 hours away from a total meltdown.  Only quantitative easing by the USA (printing more money) pushed the crisis back to a yet undetermined date.  The hiccup that was the toilet paper riots that started the spring of 2020 was a small fraction of what could have been as REAL scarcity took hold.

You would think that 2008 would of been a wake up call?  Nope.  The average person went back to mindless episodes of American Idol… if they even put down their bottle of Coke and Cheetos to notice at all.

2008 should of seen a rise in survivialists, instead we continued to be mocked and were portrayed as knuckle dragging villains in multiple TV shows.  The 2020 Covid incident  saw some people wake up.  Gun sales saw an uptick and people who normally would not buy guns tried to (to their dismay they learned how unforgiving and strict our gun control laws are).

So some people get it, but as a ratio of prepatory purchases versus our population, we at Specter Arms feel that really, the average person is once again not taking this seriously.  For a non-issue virus, I can understand the lackluster action but the economic fall that all experts agree is coming next?  Willful ignorance.

As much as I value human life perhaps these people need to suffer for it is usually those people who have lead our society down the ruinous path of leftism and statism.

The people in power know this is coming.  Although their top priority is gun bans, the Covid-19 issue gave them a delightful chance to consolidate power by destroying our economy efficiently.  Although it seems counter-intuitive, draconian measures are comforting the sheep and the Liberals are gaining support from those useful idiots.  The Liberals could form a majority government if an election was held today.  Measures such as a ban on protests and free speech are getting a pass because of “the virus”.  Areas of national sovereignty being ceded to unelected world governing bodies such as UNICEF, UNESCO, and the WHO allowing them to make un-appealable decisions about our lives. 

But their opportunism has created an exploitable flaw in their plan – gun bans must always come BEFORE the economy gets crashed.  Every nation that has been successfully destroyed by leftists has done this first.  By maximizing the opportunity of the Covid crisis to advance their goals, there is an exploitable flaw in the plan that has worked for decades to subjugate nations; there is a final chance for the new survivialist to prepare.

If you have read this far, you the reader, are taking this seriously.  Perhaps enough to share with your unprepared friends.  Perhaps you just woke to the threat. 

Yes, now is the time to panic for the window of time needed to prepare is almost closed.  Multiple levels of distribution and retail are feeling the pinch from a poor exchange rate.  Prices are rising in what I can only describe as quick inflation.  Specter Arms has held the line longer than most and we still are.  Don’t wait; we can’t hold out forever and neither can you.

Thursday, 12 March 2020

I'm Going to Die of Fear and Hysteria... Just Not My Own.

I’m going to die of fear and hysteria…just not my own.

The rampant fear mongering of the Covid-19 virus has sport leagues and schools shutting down.  For a virus that is contagious but not all that life threatening.

Specter Arms makes over 99% of its revenue at gun shows.  Should these shows get shut down we would literally be out of business.  Already, we have lost our largest profit show in High Prairie.  Should we lose Dawson or Prince George we are unlikely to exist past summer of 2020.

But it is not just us.  How many parents in Ontario have just been put out of work because now they can’t send their kids to school?  How much financial hardship has the entire province been forced to endure?  They can’t afford rent, mortgages, food because they have children who are now unexpectedly home.  And if you leave them home alone, the same government who took them out of school will put you in jail.

And now, just like that, the government controls all gatherings, commerce and leisure.  They decide if you can leave your house or if you can travel.  They have used fear, misinformation and mass panic to get society to willingly surrender its freedom. 

Dark days ahead.

Monday, 9 March 2020

Defund the CBC

"Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as the night and when you strike, strike like a thunderbolt. " Sun Tzu.

The best thing we can do to preserve firearm rights in Canada has nothing to do with firearm rights at all.

I'm talking about defunding the CBC.

The CBC is on taxpayer life support. Thier ad revenues are way down and unsustainable.  Their reputation for biased liberal propaganda is noted at the international level.

They whip up hysteria painting gun owners as villains by deliberately misleading the people on how difficult  it is to lawfully get firearms. Misuse of the terms like arsenal and assault rifle whip people into unfounded emotional maelstroms.  CBC is an orgy of misinformation and black propaganda aimed at the one segment of the population unlikely to commit crime; the licenced gun owner.

Defunding the CBC would force them to adopt journalistic standards to attract advertisers or risk falling into oblivion. It's time Canadian taxpayers stopped paying for the propaganda arm of the Liberal party and restored a focus on being factual.

The truth is on the side of gun owners. Not having Canada subjected to a daily dose of lies by the CBC would, in my opinion, eliminate 75% of the falsehoods spread about gun ownership in Canada.

CBC categorically lies when they deny the following :
- almost all guns used in crime are obtained illegally through smuggling or theft.
- It is illegal to own a gun in Canada without permission of the RCMP.
- Our rifle magazines are limited to 5 rounds.
- An assault rifle can fire fully automatic. The are already illegal in Canada.
- Firearm license holders are far less likely to break the law than any other segment of the population.
- Guns must be locked up when not in use.

Defunding the CBC is the largest, most effective step we as a people can take in defeating the lies and misinformation that are forcing us gun owners to lose the battle for our independence and way of life.

Saturday, 4 January 2020

What Is on The Ban List


This document attempts to answer, in part, the question, “What is on the Liberal Ban List”.
The list is being kept a secret but several clues, rumors and inductive reasoning illuminates some of this list.  The list that I compiled, IS NOT A COMPLETE LIST.  Bill Blair is being deliberately sneaky and is not releasing the complete list for his own nefarious reasons.

Unlike everyone else pondering lists on the internet, I have included my methodology and reasoning.

Firstly, I have posted the list.  Most people are not interested in why I came up with what I did so I have spared them from a long read.  For those interested in hearing more, they can read on.


Will Be Banned:
-Vz58 family
-M305 family
-Mini-xx family
-SKS rifles
-Type 97
-Swiss Arms

High Likelihood of Being Banned
-MP40 (9mm)
-AR102 variants (BCL102, Stag 102 Troy 102)

Moderate Likelyhood of Being Banned


Everyone wants to know what is on the Liberal ban list.
Several people claim to have privileged knowledge of this list but respond with vague fear inducing answers, unwilling to give details, sources or methods.
For all we know, they could be pulling information out of their asses for a chance in the internet spotlight.

What we can do is derive reasonable hypothesis based on verifiable facts and rational premises.


Let's start with what we know and determine to be factually correct.

In an interview done by the CCFR with the thief-chief Bill Blair have laid out the methodology he used to select items for his ban list.  He mentioned the Moncton shooter and the Mosque shooter indicating he is looking at past shooting crimes. He also claims to have input from police as to what they want banned.

Combining this information and Trudeau's statements on Polytechnic we start off with the following list: VZ58 family, m305 family, AR-15, Mini-xx family, SKS rifles, CX4, G3 and variants*.

I deliberately left out the 30-30 used on parliament hill because of Blair's reaction when it was brought up; I am certain it is not on the list.

Blair mentioned he consulted with the police. We know the RCMP in particular have a hate on for some guns as evidenced by documents obtained by FOIP requests.
SKS, Type 97, Tavor, AR-15, Sten guns*, Sterling and semi auto reproductions of assault rifles and submachine  guns.
We also know that C-71 removed parliamentary oversight so we can add the Swiss Arms
"550" type rifles.

We need to explore one of these points, the so called copies of assault rifles and submachine guns.
The RCMP have been very aggressive prohibiting look alikes from the GSG-5 to the Blaze-47. A few have slipped through the cracks: GSG-15, MP44, MP40 (9mm), MP40 (22lr), GSG-16.

All of the above are imported by a company owned by a former RCMP officer.
Outside of that company the ISSC mk22 also gets a pass despite looking exactly like the prohibited-classified Mk16 SCAR.  FYI, the GSG-15 is the same gun as the ISSC mk22 but without the SCAR buttstock.

Traditionally, advisers to the Liberals have gone through great lengths to avoid banning 22s in any form so despite falling into the “look-alike” category mentioned in RCMP documents, the bulk of these firearms will be ignored.
What is likely to be on the list (but not certain) is the MP40 in 9mm.


Now that the facts have been established we can discuss rumors. There are hundreds of rumors but I will only address the ones that are either prolific or have been stated by people of influence in the firearm community.

Rumor 1: After market stocks and mag conversion kits will be made illegal to import but not illegal to possess or manufacture.
Response: F2. This is possible by OIC although it would be a CBSA OIC not a firearms one. Industry in Canada would quickly fill this gap.  Some Canadian companies already specialize in this type of work.

Rumor 2: Night vision will be banned
Response: F5. Garbage. NV is used more often by non gun owners than gun owners. With General Starlight out of Ontario providing these items, the best they could do is ban imports to choke off consumer grade models.  The idea of adding it as an endorsement to a PAL is not supported by law.  The bulk of NV is held by non PAL holders and forcing them to get firearm certified would work against the Liberal disarmament agenda.

Rumor 3: There are 200 line items on the ban list.
Response: C6. The accuracy and validity of this information can not be judged.  One comment: when a ban is done (as in the past) it must capture all the manufacturers and variants. The Swiss arms takes up 11 line items.  Getting to 200 is not as hard as you might think.  Some bad news; if this '200' number is correct, even considering all the lines that my list takes up, there is still room for another 50 or so firearms that I have missed.

Rumor 4: It is a semi auto ban.
Response: F5. No it isn’t. That can not be done with OIC. OIC can only name specifics. Generalizations are held by the criminal code.  They can change the law later but right now Blair says they will proceed via OIC. If that does not convince you, consider that there were 1.2 million registered semi auto long guns on the old long gun registry (ended in 2012). Blair claims they will take 250,000 to 275,000 guns 'off the street'.
Just looking at the numbers, a grade 2 student can tell you that it's not all semi autos.

Rumor 5: Pinned magazines will remain legal but the importation or manufacture of large bodied mags (that could be unpinned) will not be allowed.
Response: F3. Plausible. Again, it would be an import OIC not a firearms one but workable and legal.

Rumor 6: Some bolt action rifles are on the list.
Response: F4. I don't see why not but the optics would be terrible depending on what they are talking about.  Anything other than 50BMG would shatter the narrative that this is only for 'assault rifles'. I rate this as unlikely outside of 50BMG.

Rumor 7: They will use the New Zealand list.
Response: F5. Flat out no. Examining this history of Canadian gun bans and attempted gun bans shows a pattern that the NZ list does not fit.  The claim that Trudeau wants to out virtue-signal Arden has no analytical basis and shows a distinct lack of understanding of The Canadian situation.  This is the stupidest of the rumors.

Rumor 8: ACR, Tavor, XCR and Garand are on the list.
Response: C2.  This could easily be a A2 statement if there was corroborating evidence for the ACR, XCR and Garand.  I regard this a likely (but not certain)


AR102 designs and AR10s look and operate almost exactly like AR15s.  With all the heavy advertising and attempts to duplicate the AR102 by multiple manufacturers makes this a design that has likely caught the attention of the gun grabbers.

The Lynx is a semi-auto 50BMG bullpup.  It sounds scary, looks good for CBC viewers, and the relative few that are in Canada make them easy pickings.

The BRS-99 (Polish Uzi) first came into Canada years ago.  I had a chance to examine the insides of some of the first to come into country and found that it was a converted automatic with the auto sear still intact.  This was probably a one-off anomaly that the police overlooked because the guns were restricted and traceable.  Now, with non-restricted barrel kits, it is easy to move them back between categories.  If we apply the Hasselwander case (1993) pertaining to ease of conversion and the fact that these are easy to de-register, it is not a stretch to have these as a desirable firearm to ban.  Like the Swiss Arms "550 pattern" rifles, they might just want the whole batch rather then to sort out the converteds from the non.


Don’t despair.  By default these guns will go to the mystery 12(9) class in C-71.  Getting them out of your hands will take time which is something minority governments tend not to have.  An early stage ban can be reversed by a new government.

When the official list comes out study it.  Print it out.  Keep it in your gun safe and car.  There will be a lot of guns NOT on the list and having the banned list could help prevent an unnecessary conflict with law enforcement.

Comply with the bans.  Double lock everything left over.  They can not search everyone so they will rely on terror and suffering to stomp on a few gun owners publicly.  They will do this to create fear so others do not resist.  Don’t be one of those gun owners; your AR-15 is not worth it.

Keep your parts and bits:  BCGs, barrels, magazines etc.  They retain value still.

Good luck

* These guns are already prohibited
** The DA50 is actually an upper that fits on a AR-15 lower so is not considered a firearm on its own.  I debated adding this or not.