Saturday, 1 October 2022

Alberta Government Doesn't Want to Steal Guns

Recently the news has been filled with the jubilant announcement from Tyler Shandro that Alberta would not assist the federal government in the gun grab.  This news has been met with joy and a dangerous amount of complacency from the gun community.  The prevailing thought is Alberta is now a safe haven for gun owners and it is time to break out the ol' M305 for hunting trips again.

This is great news but the battle is far from won.  Naturally, with my background as an analyst, I began to ponder how the government could get past this setback aside from the obvious and draconian measures such as calling in the army.  I asked questions to subject matter experts in policing to help brainstorm what course of action the Trudeau regime can take, now that the RCMP have been closed to them.

But how could they do the gun thefts without the RCMP?

Firstly the RCMP "rental" agreement states that the province can direct the RCMP to not enforce certain laws.  That is true.  But the bulk of our population is not found in RCMP controlled areas; they are in the cities.  Calgary Police have already stated they are in favor of enforcing the ban.  Unlike the RCMP, they have the discretion to cooperate enforcing the Crime Minister's petty ban.  Also, the Calgary Police (and Edmonton and Camrose and so on...) are not police just inside their own municipality, they are considered police officers for all of Alberta.  It is legal for a Calgary Police member to operate in High River or an Edmonton member to operate in Sherwood Park.  It may be frowned upon, but it is legal.  This is a potential work around and with virtue signaling fart suckers like Gondek or Sohi in charge of 2 of the most well equipped, powerful forces in Alberta, the odds don't look good for provincial resistance.  The CN police have the power to operate for any law enforcment purpose provided it is 1km from a rail line.  Most small towns are built around a rail line.

But I am not suggesting that the municipal police forces are going to be used in lieu of the RCMP.  It is likely that misuse of police resources will result in a funding cut from the province.  All I am suggesting is that, although unlikely, it could be a method of last resort.  So what is most likelty?

The government has never relied on mass arrests except for the FLQ crisis.  Instead, they have consistently made an example out of one person.  Usually this is in the form of a highly publicized arrest (to show the public), or in the case of Rodger Kotanko, a barely publicized execution (to quietly terrify the gun owners).  It stands to reason that after 30 years of engaging in this successful tactic, they would not switch it up now.  If they could continue to engage in terror operations against the gun owning public, that same public could be forced into complying while the province overtly is not.

Using the premise of compliance through terror, it is most likely that a series of high profile people will be targeted for charges (or a Kotanko style execution if no crimes can be proven).  In our legal system, any person can go to a courthouse and lay an "information".  This is an accusation that a crime has been committed.  Then a crown prosecutor (who is not under the control of the province) can proceed with charges.  No police are needed to actually lay a charge.  The Communication and Security Establishment (Canada's version of the NSA) routinely spies on Canadians and could quickly determine if someone had a harmless rogue Mini-14 squirreled away and lay that information themselves.

Federal level policing organizations such as the National Weapons Enforcement Support Team (NWEST) exist solely to take guns away. They are also under the command of Ottawa; not any individual province. Right now they concentrate on illegal, smuggled honorable task... but they could turn their attention to a few good targets for a CBC broadcasted raid at the command of the Trudeau Regime.

Moving forward, we have to expect that terror will be leveled at the gun community.  The dream of mass door to door confiscation may be dead but the insidious evil that is the Trudeau Regime will not simply shrug and give up.  Now is the time to press our advantage.  Contribute to a gun organization of your choice and keep up the fight.