Friday, 25 November 2022

Beating The Shadow Registry

The Shadow Registry is diabolically clever when you consider that the end game is to simply take all guns.

But there is a way to hide what you buy from the government without breaking the law.  These 3 points need to be satisfied:

- Firstly, for this to work you can only buy from a private seller or a grey market seller (no licensed businesses).  This is because the law requires all the information to be stored on the purchase by licensed dealers.

- Secondly, the gun being purchased must have been in private seller hands before May 2022.  After May 2022, it likely entered the Shadow Registry via dealer and is unsafe.

- Thirdly, you need to have been licensed to own firearms before May 2022.

Sales between private sellers do not require that you tell the registrar what you are selling or buying.  Without the link back to a licensed dealer, the gun truly can not be tracked.  Yes, your total has gone up by one but if you have been licensed, pre-registry, they don’t have a starting number to begin with.

No matter what the person (registrar) on the phone says; you do not need to tell them what you are selling.  DON’T VOLUNTEER INFORMATION YOU ARE NOT LEGALLY REQUIRED TO GIVE.

Monday, 21 November 2022

Defunding The Police

For the leftists that cheer for this idiocy, know this: a new enforcement agency will be created to take the place of the defunded police.

Unlike the police, their job will be to enforce laws that go against the will of the state only.  So instead of having police that protect you from crime using the law (which is somehow racist), this new agency will exist to protect the state from you, using the law.   

No more investigating the guy who broke into your house or beat up your daughter.  Their efforts will be tracking tax evasion, unregistered guns, smuggling and vaccine enforcement.

Our policing services are far from perfect but beware, defunding the police will spark the next evolution of law enforcement.  That evolution will be dystopian in nature.

Saturday, 1 October 2022

Alberta Government Doesn't Want to Steal Guns

Recently the news has been filled with the jubilant announcement from Tyler Shandro that Alberta would not assist the federal government in the gun grab.  This news has been met with joy and a dangerous amount of complacency from the gun community.  The prevailing thought is Alberta is now a safe haven for gun owners and it is time to break out the ol' M305 for hunting trips again.

This is great news but the battle is far from won.  Naturally, with my background as an analyst, I began to ponder how the government could get past this setback aside from the obvious and draconian measures such as calling in the army.  I asked questions to subject matter experts in policing to help brainstorm what course of action the Trudeau regime can take, now that the RCMP have been closed to them.

But how could they do the gun thefts without the RCMP?

Firstly the RCMP "rental" agreement states that the province can direct the RCMP to not enforce certain laws.  That is true.  But the bulk of our population is not found in RCMP controlled areas; they are in the cities.  Calgary Police have already stated they are in favor of enforcing the ban.  Unlike the RCMP, they have the discretion to cooperate enforcing the Crime Minister's petty ban.  Also, the Calgary Police (and Edmonton and Camrose and so on...) are not police just inside their own municipality, they are considered police officers for all of Alberta.  It is legal for a Calgary Police member to operate in High River or an Edmonton member to operate in Sherwood Park.  It may be frowned upon, but it is legal.  This is a potential work around and with virtue signaling fart suckers like Gondek or Sohi in charge of 2 of the most well equipped, powerful forces in Alberta, the odds don't look good for provincial resistance.  The CN police have the power to operate for any law enforcment purpose provided it is 1km from a rail line.  Most small towns are built around a rail line.

But I am not suggesting that the municipal police forces are going to be used in lieu of the RCMP.  It is likely that misuse of police resources will result in a funding cut from the province.  All I am suggesting is that, although unlikely, it could be a method of last resort.  So what is most likelty?

The government has never relied on mass arrests except for the FLQ crisis.  Instead, they have consistently made an example out of one person.  Usually this is in the form of a highly publicized arrest (to show the public), or in the case of Rodger Kotanko, a barely publicized execution (to quietly terrify the gun owners).  It stands to reason that after 30 years of engaging in this successful tactic, they would not switch it up now.  If they could continue to engage in terror operations against the gun owning public, that same public could be forced into complying while the province overtly is not.

Using the premise of compliance through terror, it is most likely that a series of high profile people will be targeted for charges (or a Kotanko style execution if no crimes can be proven).  In our legal system, any person can go to a courthouse and lay an "information".  This is an accusation that a crime has been committed.  Then a crown prosecutor (who is not under the control of the province) can proceed with charges.  No police are needed to actually lay a charge.  The Communication and Security Establishment (Canada's version of the NSA) routinely spies on Canadians and could quickly determine if someone had a harmless rogue Mini-14 squirreled away and lay that information themselves.

Federal level policing organizations such as the National Weapons Enforcement Support Team (NWEST) exist solely to take guns away. They are also under the command of Ottawa; not any individual province. Right now they concentrate on illegal, smuggled honorable task... but they could turn their attention to a few good targets for a CBC broadcasted raid at the command of the Trudeau Regime.

Moving forward, we have to expect that terror will be leveled at the gun community.  The dream of mass door to door confiscation may be dead but the insidious evil that is the Trudeau Regime will not simply shrug and give up.  Now is the time to press our advantage.  Contribute to a gun organization of your choice and keep up the fight.

Friday, 6 May 2022

The Long Gun Registry Ressurected

For years we, in the gun community, knew that the C-71 Shadow Registry would one day appear.   That day is rapidly approaching.  On May 18th, 2022 the future purchase of firearms will be tracked and recorded.  For those who have never read a history book, registration ALWAYS leads to confiscation.

C-71 was a law passed years ago by Crime Minister Trudeau to require 2 things:

1) That all business sales be recorded with the identity of the purchaser

2) All private sales require a transfer authorization number from the registrar of firearms.

Through an inefficient network of transfer numbers leading back to the business point of sale, all guns will eventually be captured in this new registry.

You need to understand 2 critical points.

Firstly, all the guns you own before the registry are still legal.  They do not need to be registered.  They will only end up in this system if you sell or buy after the 18th.  If you want something; you have only days to buy it.

Secondly, this is not actually about what type of guns you own.  This is about how many you own.  If you buy 6 and sell 2 (under this system), the expectation is you will have 4 guns.  If the CFO inspects your storage (permitted under the firearms act) and the numbers don't match up, you could be in a lot of trouble.   This is especially true if the numbers are less than expected.  

If you have had your license prior to this system, a larger number is expected.  But that number will be corrected should an inspection take place.

What should you do?

1) If there is something you want, buy it right now.  Do not hesitate; get it.

2) If you are inspected by the CFO and have guns from pre-C71 your total number will be corrected.  You will be trapped in the system.  I strongly suggest storing your one or two favorite non-restricted guns away from the rest to protect them from government scrutiny and eventual seizure.

Sunday, 27 March 2022

Gen 2 Vs Gen 3 Pmags: A Practical perspective from a Canadian Point of View

It is often assumed that a generational jump is an improvement that is natural and needed to make the product perform better.

But this does not necessarily hold true with Pmags.  Specter Arms continues to carry both Gen 2 and Gen 3 Pmags because their subtle differences actually translate into changes in performance.  And depending on your firearm, those performance characteristics can get worse or better with the later generation of Pmag.  Sometimes, a generational change doesn’t impact performance at all so it makes sense to go with what is less expensive.

The quick and fast rule is this:

In Canada, if you are running any firearm that is not listed below, either Pmag generation works equally well.  Specter Arms sells windowed Gen 3 Pmags or non-windowed, Gen 2 Pmags.  The deciding factor is cost and the window.

But if you are running a WK180C or WS-MCR, Gen 2 Pmags do not work well; pick the Gen 3.

If you are running a Benelli MR1, Gen 3 Pmags do not work well; pick the Gen 2.

If you are running an early generation of the Type 97, neither work well.

Saturday, 19 February 2022

WK-180C/WS-MCR: Why the Mid Length Piston?

The topic of replacing the factory 180C/MCR piston with a mid-length piston has been coming up over and over again.  Rather than re-typing the information, I have decided to place it here.

For ease I am going to say that for the duration of this article, I am going to collectively call the WK180C and WS-MCR, the Canadian 180 pattern rifle. Both are loosely based of the AR180B.

The 180 pattern rifle uses a carbine length gas system to push a piston that in turn moves the carrier backwards enough that a cam causes the bolt to rotate and unlock.  The residual pressure then pushes the bolt and carrier back ejecting the round and picking another round up.  The bolt and carrier move back at about 4 to 5 meters per second.

Now the original AR180B platform used a rifle length piston system.  The rifle length port provides only 14% of the gas pressure as the carbine port.  Yet it works.  It cycles, it has a very long life span.

So when I heard about 180 rifles breaking (pistons and bolt lugs being the main culprits) I had to question why.  The answer was obvious: there is too much pressure.

It is akin to using a sledgehammer to put finishing nails into your wall to hang pictures... it can be done, but the chance of too much force being applied and creating damage, is very real.

Now the AR180B was designed in America.  It is not speculation to say that they have milder weather then us.  Perhaps the carbine length was picked to ensure cycling if frost formed on the gun?  Maybe it was because it is easier to snap a long piston?  Maybe it was as simple and sinister as cost cutting... I didn't know.

I didn't want to risk potential reliability in cold weather so I examined the possibility of making the Canadian 180 a mid-length piston.  The mid length has 5000PSI less pressure at the port.

So I built it: the Mid length piston.  And that's all that I needed to build; the original gas block still worked and there were lots of mid-length ported barrels out there.  

With a mid length piston, the rifle shot softer and put less wear on parts.

If you are using your Canadian 180 pattern rifle to casually target shoot, this upgrade isn't for you.  The warranty on broken carbine pistons is great.  A broken gun can be brought back up to operation in 2 weeks or less with the friendly and helpful staff at Kodiak.

But if you want this to be a rifle that you use hard, competition or survival, you are best off upgrading.

Visit to pick up a piston today.


Sunday, 9 January 2022

Vaccine Mandates

 The Federal Health Minister made ominous statements a few days ago warning that forced vaccinations were coming.  In his message, he also noted that healthcare is the jurisdiction of the provinces.

Over the last 2 years every time something insane and overbearing has happened, it was always preceded by a warning.  

Vaccine passports?  That’s a conspiracy…  Now we have vaccine passports.

We only need 2 weeks to flatten the curve; it is not going to take longer...  The lockdown never ended.

They are not building concentration camps for covid…  The government tenders are out.  Rebel news found one.

So we need to look carefully at the health minister’s statement to get a real feel for what “the plan” is.

Firstly, what he said about healthcare and vaccinations are provincial jurisdiction.  Provinces that do not have forced vaccination laws on the books would need to pass these laws first.  The Big 3 provinces (Quebec, Ontario and BC) will be the first to lead the charge on mandatory vaccines.  They will quickly be followed by the Maritimes, territories and Manitoba taking up the rear.   Before they even start that process, the media will need to keep pushing the idea for a few weeks or months.  The Big 3 could be pharmalogical fiefdoms in about 9 months.  The Maritimes and Manitoba… a bit less than a year.

Alberta and Sask will stand alone.  Even flip-flip Kenny is getting scared of protesters appearing outside of the homes of his inner circle.

Then, this becomes political and a bit confusing.  The Liberals are like a virus; they only exist to perpetuate their own existence.  By not acting federally and letting the provinces do their dirty work, they suffer no blowback politically in their strongholds.  They lose no votes, no seats, no power.

Once all of Canada (except the maligned Alberta and Sask) are under a legal obligation to inject themselves, then the Liberals can step in.

But wait!  Isn’t healthcare and vaccinations provincial jurisdiction?

Yes, it is but recently the Supreme Court heard a case about the Carbon Tax and how it violated provincial jurisdiction on resources.  (For those who read this blog you will remember my warning about this)  The Supreme Court ruled that because “climate change” was an emergency, the Federal government has a right to interfere in provincial jurisdiction.  This paves the way for the Feds to make a Canada wide requirement under the guise of “an emergency”.  And guess what?  There are not enough stupid people in Alberta and Sask to vote for the Liberals anyway so they don’t have to worry about pissing people off and losing votes.

It will take the Federal government about 6 months to smash through a mandatory vaccination law which will include provisions for those concentration camps and other nastiness.

If you are in Alberta or Sask, you have at least one and a half years left.    If you do not live in Alberta or Sask, your time is much less.

That is the time you have to get prepared; stop fucking around.

Finally: you probably noticed I can’t spell Sas-catch-ew-wan.

Monday, 3 January 2022

Just The Numbers

2 People are killed every week in Canada by a firearm (that includes suicides.. without suicides, the number is too small to report)

28 people are killed every week in Canada by drunk driving. 

896 people die from substance abuse each week in Canada. 

1574 people die from Cancer every week in Canada

(based on 2019 stats)