With even MSN reporting that “Coronavirus will bankrupt more people than it kills and that’s the real emergency” we can’t ignore the economic disaster waiting to smash the economy and create hyperinflation. A tsunami of hunger, crime and despair are about to take hold.
And don’t count on the government to help you; the immediate go-to for socialists is always price controls which like in Zimbabwe and Venezuela, simply stops people from producing these goods. And like every socialist nation before, they need to come for your guns before it gets bad – In Canada, by the recent affirmation of disarmament by the Prime Minister, that time has come.
Everyone reading this document was around for the 2008 Financial Crisis. What you may not know is we were 3 hours away from a total meltdown. Only quantitative easing by the USA (printing more money) pushed the crisis back to a yet undetermined date. The hiccup that was the toilet paper riots that started the spring of 2020 was a small fraction of what could have been as REAL scarcity took hold.
You would think that 2008 would of been a wake up call? Nope. The average person went back to mindless episodes of American Idol… if they even put down their bottle of Coke and Cheetos to notice at all.
2008 should of seen a rise in survivialists, instead we continued to be mocked and were portrayed as knuckle dragging villains in multiple TV shows. The 2020 Covid incident saw some people wake up. Gun sales saw an uptick and people who normally would not buy guns tried to (to their dismay they learned how unforgiving and strict our gun control laws are).
So some people get it, but as a ratio of prepatory purchases versus our population, we at Specter Arms feel that really, the average person is once again not taking this seriously. For a non-issue virus, I can understand the lackluster action but the economic fall that all experts agree is coming next? Willful ignorance.
As much as I value human life perhaps these people need to suffer for it is usually those people who have lead our society down the ruinous path of leftism and statism.
The people in power know this is coming. Although their top priority is gun bans, the Covid-19 issue gave them a delightful chance to consolidate power by destroying our economy efficiently. Although it seems counter-intuitive, draconian measures are comforting the sheep and the Liberals are gaining support from those useful idiots. The Liberals could form a majority government if an election was held today. Measures such as a ban on protests and free speech are getting a pass because of “the virus”. Areas of national sovereignty being ceded to unelected world governing bodies such as UNICEF, UNESCO, and the WHO allowing them to make un-appealable decisions about our lives.
But their opportunism has created an exploitable flaw in their plan – gun bans must always come BEFORE the economy gets crashed. Every nation that has been successfully destroyed by leftists has done this first. By maximizing the opportunity of the Covid crisis to advance their goals, there is an exploitable flaw in the plan that has worked for decades to subjugate nations; there is a final chance for the new survivialist to prepare.
If you have read this far, you the reader, are taking this seriously. Perhaps enough to share with your unprepared friends. Perhaps you just woke to the threat.
Yes, now is the time to panic for the window of time needed to prepare is almost closed. Multiple levels of distribution and retail are feeling the pinch from a poor exchange rate. Prices are rising in what I can only describe as quick inflation. Specter Arms has held the line longer than most and we still are. Don’t wait; we can’t hold out forever and neither can you.