In Alberta The Taxpayers federation says that when the corporate tax rate was 15% (adjusted for inflation) the average AB produced a little under $500 for general revenue taxation. Today with a tax rate of 10% the average Albertan produced $1400 in revenue. A corporate tax increase will LOWER general revenue. This is not rocket science; decrease the money corporations have to spend on employees and they will get rid of employees. This is cause and effect that even a 6 year old can understand… yet the average Albertan voter does not.
Come next year when the general revenues are down, the NDP is not going to go against their doctrine and say “ooopps! High taxes!” They are going to introduce a PST. In every province they have held power, their solution is always more taxes.
Lets think about that. The NDP… the so called champions of the poor and downtrodden will create a PST.
Let’s assume the average Albertan eats $200 in food per month and buys $400 of whatever…gifts for kids, gas, home repairs etc so total of $600 on expenses that can be targeted with the PST consumption tax.. Let’s say that Albertan Y makes 1200 per month and Albertan Z makes 4500 per month. A 5% PST would decrease income poor Albertan Y savable income by 2.5%. It would decrease rich Albertan Z’s savable income by 0.6%. Do you see how heavy taxation hurts the poor working family?
But a PST does not just hurt the poor (which I have proven the NDP don’t care about) it hurts small business and I speak from experience. If a family has less money they have to buy less. They can’t go to someone like me and support my business because they struggle to eat. I in turn don’t make money either and then I stop spending causing the problem to spread.
NDP taxation is a cancer. Why do you think most people in Alberta come from other provinces? They have fled their homes like rats from a burning ship where left wing governments chased all the jobs away and made the cost of living so unaffordable with the remaining low paying service jobs.
Guess I was wrong. It is a carbon tax designed to penalize people not living in big cites.