Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Green Eggs and Ham

Green eggs and ham is a delightful book about a dog-alien living in a parallel dimension who will not step out of his comfort zone and try something new.  Because he has never eaten green eggs and has no knowledge about them, he has decided that he hates them.  Throughout the book when another dog-alien named Sam tries to get him to try it he continues to refuse and even mocks Sam's speech impediment by calling him "Sam I am" through the book.  In the end, the dog-alien gives in and tries the green eggs and discovers that he likes it.

I was talking to the postal lady months ago and she told me she did not like guns or shooting.
"So you had a bad experience last time you went?" I asked.
"No I have never tried it"
"Then how do you know you do not like it?" Was my sensible reply.
"I am just not interested I it."
"So you don't like it because you have no knowledge or interest in it"

I wish I had thought to recommend the book "Green eggs and ham" to her.

I have never met someone that I had taken shooting who did not have a good time. I think I will have some eggs and ham now.

Saturday, 14 February 2015

You Are Raising a Pussy

I was out with my son and he had his toy MP5K. "MP5 goes bang bang bang!" He yelled.
"I shoot bad guys!"

I got into a discussion with a liberal fart sucker who told me her son was not allowed to play guns.

When boys play with guns they are not playing "School Shooting" or "Assassinate the President" they are casting themselves into the heroic role of good guy who goes out and fights evil. In essence they are establishing the mindset of self empowerment, that they have the power to make the world a better place through their efforts.

Parents who do not let their kids play in a way that affirms their ability to do the right thing (standing up for others, being brave in the face of adversity) run the real risk of having a dis-empowered, disenfranchised child with no sense of duty, honor or community.  And those are the children that grow up and play "School Shooting" for real.