Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Intelligence, Police and Made up Bogymen

I have attended many counter-terrorism conferences when I was part of the Intelligence Branch of the Canadian Army.  The last conference I attended (2013) was fear mongering the Freeman on the Land Movement (FLM).

Although deranged and perhaps a nuisance, the FLM has not killed anyone.  They do not advocate violent overthrow of government or the mass genocide of those who disagree with their point of view.
Yet back in 2013 I saw political correctness entering the intelligence world and, let me tell you, being politically correct is a poison when it comes to clarity and analysis.  We have millions of dollars and thousands of man-hours chasing an annoyance.  With thought processes like that we might as well turn the might of our intelligence apparatus towards shoplifters.

In an attempt to be racially and ideologically inclusive, like some sick affirmative action program, the chase is on for a non-Islamic based bad guy.

A few weeks ago a RCMP officer was tragically killed outside a casino in St Albert by Shawn Rehn.  Someone posed the question:

My heart is broken for the RCMP member. Indeed the question goes out from the RCMP themselves, "How is/WAS the suspect still on the streets"?

My response (as a gun owner):
How was he still on the streets? I don't want to politicize this or diminish the tragedy but this man was on the streets because he is NOT the focus of law enforcement. We are.... you and I. Every day you are checked on a criminal database. You are required to provide your address to the government like you are on house arrest. They can search your home without a warrant - even a criminal has the right not be arbitrarily searched. They can take your property away with the stroke of a pen. He is on the streets because they are busy watching you. Drug dealers, murderers and thieves take second place to social engineering.

So our intelligence community is chasing FLM and our law enforcers are chasing people with a PAL and there are people who think that taking away more of our privacy and freedoms will fix our ills?  We need to turn our efforts towards legitimate bad guys – Jihads, Drug Dealers and Rapists and stop government agencies from wasting their time on political correctness and social engineering.

Friday, 16 January 2015

Do I Support CGN?

Last year I sold a Viper Sight to a customer in Manitoba.  At this point in time, the sights were brand new and I had only sold 8 locally.  They were so new, in fact, that I had not sent an advertising mail out.  This person was turned on to the Viper sight from someone who purchased one of the 8 first sights.  It performed exactly as advertised and the person was ecstatic that it worked so well.  It was clear, bright and held up to the shock of his SKS.  He went on CGN to spread the news about how happy he was.  By the time the CGN thread started to die out, the CGN population had him convinced that I had somehow cheated him.  These people, who never used my optic, slandered me and my product using fallacious reasoning.  According to them, the only reputable dealers are ones that support CGN.

And that is the crux of the issue.  CGN is the NTOA of Canada.  You pay protection money to keep people quiet which in turn supports a forum whose purpose seems to be to extort more money from firearms business and crap all over those who refuse to pay up.

I will not be bullied by the modern equivalent of gangsters.  I will not pay a ransom to run my business.

No, I will support forums where mature, grown ups come to talk.  Gun Owners of Canada is small but discussion is civil and often filled with ex CGN expats who got tired of the BS or were themselves ostracized for having an opinion that runs contrary to the mindless, circle-jerk, groupthink mentality of the brainwashed freedom of speech hating ass hats who moderate the forum.