Friday, 25 November 2022

Beating The Shadow Registry

The Shadow Registry is diabolically clever when you consider that the end game is to simply take all guns.

But there is a way to hide what you buy from the government without breaking the law.  These 3 points need to be satisfied:

- Firstly, for this to work you can only buy from a private seller or a grey market seller (no licensed businesses).  This is because the law requires all the information to be stored on the purchase by licensed dealers.

- Secondly, the gun being purchased must have been in private seller hands before May 2022.  After May 2022, it likely entered the Shadow Registry via dealer and is unsafe.

- Thirdly, you need to have been licensed to own firearms before May 2022.

Sales between private sellers do not require that you tell the registrar what you are selling or buying.  Without the link back to a licensed dealer, the gun truly can not be tracked.  Yes, your total has gone up by one but if you have been licensed, pre-registry, they don’t have a starting number to begin with.

No matter what the person (registrar) on the phone says; you do not need to tell them what you are selling.  DON’T VOLUNTEER INFORMATION YOU ARE NOT LEGALLY REQUIRED TO GIVE.

Monday, 21 November 2022

Defunding The Police

For the leftists that cheer for this idiocy, know this: a new enforcement agency will be created to take the place of the defunded police.

Unlike the police, their job will be to enforce laws that go against the will of the state only.  So instead of having police that protect you from crime using the law (which is somehow racist), this new agency will exist to protect the state from you, using the law.   

No more investigating the guy who broke into your house or beat up your daughter.  Their efforts will be tracking tax evasion, unregistered guns, smuggling and vaccine enforcement.

Our policing services are far from perfect but beware, defunding the police will spark the next evolution of law enforcement.  That evolution will be dystopian in nature.