Friday, 6 May 2022

The Long Gun Registry Ressurected

For years we, in the gun community, knew that the C-71 Shadow Registry would one day appear.   That day is rapidly approaching.  On May 18th, 2022 the future purchase of firearms will be tracked and recorded.  For those who have never read a history book, registration ALWAYS leads to confiscation.

C-71 was a law passed years ago by Crime Minister Trudeau to require 2 things:

1) That all business sales be recorded with the identity of the purchaser

2) All private sales require a transfer authorization number from the registrar of firearms.

Through an inefficient network of transfer numbers leading back to the business point of sale, all guns will eventually be captured in this new registry.

You need to understand 2 critical points.

Firstly, all the guns you own before the registry are still legal.  They do not need to be registered.  They will only end up in this system if you sell or buy after the 18th.  If you want something; you have only days to buy it.

Secondly, this is not actually about what type of guns you own.  This is about how many you own.  If you buy 6 and sell 2 (under this system), the expectation is you will have 4 guns.  If the CFO inspects your storage (permitted under the firearms act) and the numbers don't match up, you could be in a lot of trouble.   This is especially true if the numbers are less than expected.  

If you have had your license prior to this system, a larger number is expected.  But that number will be corrected should an inspection take place.

What should you do?

1) If there is something you want, buy it right now.  Do not hesitate; get it.

2) If you are inspected by the CFO and have guns from pre-C71 your total number will be corrected.  You will be trapped in the system.  I strongly suggest storing your one or two favorite non-restricted guns away from the rest to protect them from government scrutiny and eventual seizure.