Sunday, 9 January 2022

Vaccine Mandates

 The Federal Health Minister made ominous statements a few days ago warning that forced vaccinations were coming.  In his message, he also noted that healthcare is the jurisdiction of the provinces.

Over the last 2 years every time something insane and overbearing has happened, it was always preceded by a warning.  

Vaccine passports?  That’s a conspiracy…  Now we have vaccine passports.

We only need 2 weeks to flatten the curve; it is not going to take longer...  The lockdown never ended.

They are not building concentration camps for covid…  The government tenders are out.  Rebel news found one.

So we need to look carefully at the health minister’s statement to get a real feel for what “the plan” is.

Firstly, what he said about healthcare and vaccinations are provincial jurisdiction.  Provinces that do not have forced vaccination laws on the books would need to pass these laws first.  The Big 3 provinces (Quebec, Ontario and BC) will be the first to lead the charge on mandatory vaccines.  They will quickly be followed by the Maritimes, territories and Manitoba taking up the rear.   Before they even start that process, the media will need to keep pushing the idea for a few weeks or months.  The Big 3 could be pharmalogical fiefdoms in about 9 months.  The Maritimes and Manitoba… a bit less than a year.

Alberta and Sask will stand alone.  Even flip-flip Kenny is getting scared of protesters appearing outside of the homes of his inner circle.

Then, this becomes political and a bit confusing.  The Liberals are like a virus; they only exist to perpetuate their own existence.  By not acting federally and letting the provinces do their dirty work, they suffer no blowback politically in their strongholds.  They lose no votes, no seats, no power.

Once all of Canada (except the maligned Alberta and Sask) are under a legal obligation to inject themselves, then the Liberals can step in.

But wait!  Isn’t healthcare and vaccinations provincial jurisdiction?

Yes, it is but recently the Supreme Court heard a case about the Carbon Tax and how it violated provincial jurisdiction on resources.  (For those who read this blog you will remember my warning about this)  The Supreme Court ruled that because “climate change” was an emergency, the Federal government has a right to interfere in provincial jurisdiction.  This paves the way for the Feds to make a Canada wide requirement under the guise of “an emergency”.  And guess what?  There are not enough stupid people in Alberta and Sask to vote for the Liberals anyway so they don’t have to worry about pissing people off and losing votes.

It will take the Federal government about 6 months to smash through a mandatory vaccination law which will include provisions for those concentration camps and other nastiness.

If you are in Alberta or Sask, you have at least one and a half years left.    If you do not live in Alberta or Sask, your time is much less.

That is the time you have to get prepared; stop fucking around.

Finally: you probably noticed I can’t spell Sas-catch-ew-wan.

Monday, 3 January 2022

Just The Numbers

2 People are killed every week in Canada by a firearm (that includes suicides.. without suicides, the number is too small to report)

28 people are killed every week in Canada by drunk driving. 

896 people die from substance abuse each week in Canada. 

1574 people die from Cancer every week in Canada

(based on 2019 stats)