Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Liberals Say FU to Court Regarding OICs

You have probably heard that in the Order In Council case, where the government banned thousands of firearms, the government has refused to hand over documents related to their discussions leading up to the ban.  They have classified them as Secret and thus denied the judicial order to produce them.  

Buy why?  Is it a game?  The commonly held theory is that the delays and denials are designed to run out the clock and reach the end of the amnesty before the court can reach a resolution.  In running out of time, with no injunction, everyone loses the banned guns.

But I have a more sinister theory.  I think the documents were made secret under Section 39 CEA not for the purpose of maintaining the gun ban but because those documents hold plans that have not been executed yet.  

I am increasingly convinced these documents hold planned enforcement actions.  I think they have one of the following items in those documents (perhaps more):

-Arrest lists designed to shape the public’s view about “evil gun owners” and punish political rivals.  Can you imagine if those documents had planned raids against Sheldon Claire and Rod Giltaca?  What about gun owning Conservative MPs?  With free speech about to be silenced with bill C-10, many people would simply disappear into a hole and never be heard from again.

-The immediate seizure and auditing of gun businesses who have dealt in the now prohibited goods.  We all know from other government inquiries and fact finding missions, that this process takes years.  How many businesses can be shut down for a few years and survive?  I expect that real political agitators such as K&S Tactical Supplies will somehow… take longer.  And if they really wanted to smash the entire industry in one fell swoop, they could target importers like Korth, North Sylva, IRG and so on… choke everyone off from supply.

-Reconstruction of long gun registry records.  Arrests of last known owners unless they can produce records or names of where the guns went.  Police will level your home with bulldozers and sledgehammers to find what they are looking for.  Ask Bruce Montague. 

Any one of these, would cause an outcry that even CBC would be hard pressed to put a happy spin on.