As of this date, the Alberta government has an online survey relating to the recent firearms ban and thoughts on the newly appointed - made in Alberta - CFO office.
On the question of the CFO office, I had this to say....
As a former military intelligence analyst and someone who works commercially in this field, there are several recommendations that would be supported by the public as well as would improve public safety:
1) The firearms act provides for inspection of storage of firearms. Using this provision, inspections of restricted firearms will deter and catch straw purchasing. Analytics would be used to determine the most likely targets to efficiently use our resources.
2) End the adversarial model currently employed by the Alberta CFO office. Develop partnerships with business and cultivate human intelligence contacts in the industry. Speaking from experience, I run into people trying to circumvent the law or do shady stuff. People in the industry like myself are reluctant to pass this information on because it draws attention to ourselves. With the adversarial model currently employed, a lot of useful law enforcement intelligence is lost.
3) Require that all CFO employees have a firearms licence. Although the police act exempts law enforcement, most people in the CFO office are not sworn law enforcement. They provide a function without understanding the entire rigorous system. This contributes to the adversarial nature. The CFO should provide a measure of public safety by friendly co-operation with the public. They should not be seen as a system of social control.
4) Terminate those who make insulting comments like "Soldiers shouldn't be allowed to own guns because they know how to use them."