With all the fear surrounding the use of 12Ga shotguns many people are looking to the nearly as powerful 20Ga to pick up the slack.
Now 20Ga has a lot of advantages, the slight loss in power is more than compensated for by the drop in recoil. But as it is a smaller round, there is no direct version of the 00 Buck round in 20ga.
For reference a 00 Buck 12ga round uses 9 projectiles measuring 0.33" is diameter.
But we at Specter Arms found an alternative that is almost identical to the 12Ga 00 buck round.
Rio ammunition produces a 9 projectile round of #1 buckshot. These projectiles are only 0.030" smaller than the 00 projectiles. It will do all the things the larger 12ga 00 Buck can do.
Specter Arms sells these on the website. So if you are concerned about your 12Ga being legal, moving to 20ga is not a step down and is just as capable as its larger cousin at the same price point.