Sunday, 2 July 2017

The Link Between Un-Filtered Immigration and Gun Control

The topic of immigration has been in the news a lot lately.

Gun and violent crime are on the decrease. The exact opposite of what liberal crybabies said would happen with the demise of the long gun registry.  The fear based irrational arguments posed by the political left can not be validated by even the most creative statistician

The left would have you believe that violence stems from socio-economic conditions and not from culture. Why then do the people who immigrate from violent parts of the world remain violent even when,by moving and improving their socio economic conditions, remain violent?
The answer is simple, systemic violence stems from culture.  You can't import people with a violent culture and expect crime stats to remain favorable.

And I am starting to think that's the point. Gun control in Canada is part of the overarching theme of control. They have taken our freedom of speech. They have taken our right to privacy and if they can get rid of guns....all guns...they will taken away our ability to be independent of the government control grid.  Let's face it, cooling crime stats will not allow for more gun bans without political backlash so they need violence to go up.

So here come the violent immigrants.  They don't want people from Poland or Ukraine or India or South Africa or anywhere where violence is not part of the culture*.  They want it bred into the culture and religion as to be in inseparable. They want the bad apples so they can create the situations needed to push their totalitarian agenda; which right now happens to be gun control.

Liberal politicians love to exploit tragedies and dance on the graves of the dead; they are heartless monsters who like to portray those who disagree with them as heartless monsters.  They ignore the fact that the greatest gun tragedy in Canada was perpetrated by the son of an Algerian immigrant who's native culture taught a hatred of women. That tragedy was used to push more gun control and the irony was that the gun used in that shooting, remained non-restricted while a plethora of firearms were prohibited overnight.  If we are talking safety, like the Liberals suggest, then it makes no sense.  If we frame this in terms of pushing a totalitarian ideology, it suddenly makes perfect sense.  They were delighted with Gamil Gharbi (Marc Lepine) and his work to further the Liberal cause.  They celebrate him every year on Quebec Grave Dancing Day (Dec 6). They need a new Gharbi; and they will import lots of him to get what they want.

We need immigration but we need to have it based on people who share democratic, peaceful ideals with the thought to building our society with valued individuals.  Immigration needs to stop being used to deliberately create problems and undermine our freedoms.

* I'm not suggesting violence does not exist in these places, but in these places violence is a temporary condition and not a way of life.