Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Election Sign Defaced with Swastika

Let's face it, under national socialism (Nazis), everything that those in power disagreed with, was violently outlawed with draconian laws.  Fast forward to modern day liberalism.  Now everything that does not fit the liberal party ideology is violently outlawed.

Now, when I saw violently outlawed, I mean that the punishment is far more severe then what a reasonable, moral person would rate. 

Case law says that if you kill someone* you are likely to get one month in jail or 8 months house arrest.  But if you don't lock your guns in a safe? 18 months and years of a firearms prohibition.  Arguably a punishment that lasts for years beyond the person who kills.
No one was hurt in the second example but in the first one, a person is dead and  a family is mourning.  But to a liberal (or a Nazi) social engineering is more important.  Morality is irrelevant and replaced with a fanatical ideology.

If I have an unregistered handgun, it is automatically 3 years minimum in jail.  This is spelled out in the criminal code.  If someone rapes a child, there is no minimum sentence and typically punishments average at about 2 years.  Again, one crime has no victim the other ruins lives forever. 

The Liberal party, much like the National Socialists (Nazi) are anti-gun.  Alan Rock said "I came to Ottawa with the firm belief that the only people who should have guns are the police and military".  Compare that to Heinrich Himmler (Hitler's right hand man and main driver in the 'Final Solution') who said "Germans who wish to use firearms should join the SS or the SA, ordinary citizens don't need guns".

What about thought crimes?  The Liberals set up Human right Tribunals which are used to attack those who have a different perspective then the Liberal party.  The punishment?  Often severe to the extreme with punishments of around $5000.  The Nazi's would put you in a concentration camp for disagreeing with their ideology.  But really, who has $5000 lying around to pay that fine?  Non-payment is not an option so you probably would face wage garnishes and in extreme cases, jail time.  How is that different from the Nazis?

Liberals champion diversity as long as that diversity is exactly like them.  They are the most bigoted, myopic, hateful, violent people ever because they do what they do with the blessing of their own conscience.
Ayn Rand said "The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities."

The Nazi party hated the Jews. The leader of the Nazi party, Adolph Hitler, made no secret of this while the current leader of the Liberal Party, Justin Trudeau, has openly said that "Evangelical Christians are the worst Canadians".  Much like the Nazis made the lives of the Jews a nightmare, Justin's Human right tribunals are making it a nightmare to be a Christian who is vocal of his faith, ideals and morals.  It is not as bad as it was in Germany.... yet.

So, to sum up; does this person deserve a swastika on her sign? you are damn right she does because that is the ideology she supports.  It is the ideology of every liberal with their freedom hating, pretend- diversity, arrogant 'i-know-best' mentality.

* In Edmonton a drunk driver careened off the road killing a 2 year on the patio of a restaurant.  He got one month in jail as a punishment.

*In Manitoba, a drunk driver killed a pedestrian and got 8 months house arrest as a punishment.