"I don’t like gunshows, everything is overpriced".
I have read this statement before. Never heard it in person, although I
have heard variants such as "you are the only one with reasonable prices".
Or how about, "Everything is on the internet, why do I need to waste my time?"
The big problem is the complaint of high prices. This is a legitimate concern and one that is based on a generational split rather then actual pricing.
Old vendors come from an era where you negotiate the price. They can be talked down in price to fair market value. But because their generation has always done that, to make their margins, they price things high to start off from a beter negotiating position. Older people get this but younger people see the prices and rightfully say "That is too expensive" as they cross-check the price on
their internet enabled smartphone.
Then there are people like me.
The older people come to me and I will not budge on my prices; they are set by my business plan with fixed margins based on MSRP. They think I am expensive because I don't negotiate down. The younger folks check my prices and are pleasantly surprised...."You are the only one with reasonable prices".
I can give a deal; pay in cash and I don't charge GST. You also don't have to pay shipping and can have it today.
The gunshow also lets you see and try new things. Reading about guns is fun but you really can't appreciate the features without the tactile. You can read reviews saying the XCR is front heavy.
Front heavy for who?
Some kid who writes internet articles or a weight lifting trucker?
Are they you? Do they have your strength, eyes and arm length?
And with optics, you don’t know how heavy something really is. The 3RS scope by NCStar has useful features and is priced right but is the weight worth it to you? What optical quality do you need? Can you accept a nebulous "good" as a rating of glass clarity? Shouldn’t you see for yourself?
And what about reflex sights? Can the internet really tell you how bright it is? Or can they prove it is paralax free? You don't need to trust anyone - you can find out yourself.
The people selling are typically experts at what they sell. I always tell people that I only sell within my niche because I can not offer expert advice on things outside of it.
I have taught people many things as well as showed them stuff, they had no idea existed but made them excited.
The gunshow is also the only place to find rare out of production items.
Go on a store's website and find yourself a Lee-Enfeild. You can't can you?
And the best reason of all - anonymity. If you buy on the internet, your information is being recorded. Call it what you like but I refer to it as the shadow registry. At the gunshow most vendors will simply check if you have a valid firearms licence and never write down your information.