Tuesday, 4 November 2014

What Will The Shiny Pony Do?

I have no illusions about who is going to win the next federal election.  It will be Justin Trudeau - The Shiny Pony.  All fancy hair and no substance.

Liberals are known as the architects of the destruction of self-reliance, moral values and traditional society.  Their creative brain power is unmatched in these areas and I can’t even start to guess what they plan to do.

But I do know they will do something about guns.

I have avoided writing this blog entry for months (hence the huge gap between writings).  I wanted to carefully evaluate The Shiny Pony’s options and present them as competing hypothesis.

1) Handgun Ban.
For all intents and purposes, all handguns are registered.  As an election promise, the Evil Paul Martin proposed a handgun ban as his election promise.  The chance of this succeeding is guaranteed.  (Yes I know there will be smuggled handguns but these are statistically insignificant).

2) Move Semi-Autos to Restricted
This would be less palatable to the population then a handgun ban as many high end hunting guns are semi-auto such as the BAR or collectables such as the Garand.  According to the old registry data, the Garand is the most popular semi-auto gun in Quebec.  As much as I fear this, I think it is the least likely of the hypothesis I propose.

3) New Orders in Council
This does not require any legal changes or votes in the house of commons.  Through an Order in Council (OIC), they can move many evil looking guns into restricted and prohibited classes.  They would almost certainly pick VZ58s, Tavors, XCRs and JR Carbines to move to restricted.  Ironically I predict that the Mini-14 and the CX4 (both used in Canadian school shootings) would be left alone.  I don’t think they would name any gun as prohibited due to the outcry from the Swiss Arms fiasco; even non-gun owners considered that to be an unfair, “dick move” by the RCMP.  Regardless of what guns they move to Restricted, the decision will be based on looks alone and not capability.  (My pump action shotgun (when loaded with 00 buck) can fire 54 projectiles down range before being reloaded and can cut a man in half.  My AR15 can fire 5 projectiles down range before being reloaded and has been shown to be highly ineffective in battlezones such as Mogadishu.)

4) Stop PAL Issuance For Restricted Firearms
It would not piss anyone off as people with the Restricted endorsement would not be affected.  It would only stop new people from getting into handguns.  This is like a handgun ban but spaced out over the long term. It would be acceptable to the Canadian public because no one is really getting screwed.  If you didn’t have and handgun before and now you still can’t have one, has anything really been taken away from you?  The truth is Canadians fear handguns the same way Americans fear rifles.

5) Increase Fees for License Renewal
The Liberals are the Party of the rich and privileged and even Nazi elites were still allowed to own personal firearms.  Making a staggeringly huge fee to renew your license will drive the undesirable poor people away from guns.  According to Liberal philosophy, people are victims of their circumstances and have no free will.  In their mind, denying the poor access to potential weapons will decrease the lethality of the crimes that they are forced to commit.

I think these are all options that are politically viable.  What do you think?  What will he do?

If 0%

If a registry came back into place in Canada or was started in the USA and no-one complied, the registry would still be a success.  That’s right, if 0% of people complied the registry would be a success.

One thing we have learned from the cowardly, teeth chattering, grave dancing, fart-suckers in the anti-gun lobby is their game is a game they plan to play over decades.

When the long gun registry was enacted in 1997 there was an estimated 30-50% compliance (depending on who you talk to).  But the fact that all the guns were not registered is irrelevant.  Every new person coming into the shooting sports was trapped in the registry system.  I was underage in 1997 so I never had the option to “not comply”.  From day one of entering the shooting sports everything I did was tightly monitored and controlled.  I committed no crime but I was more carefully monitored then a convicted crack dealer.

Over the years the spineless gun control advocates knew that time would be on their side.  Those who could have had firearms before the registry would eventually die and leave behind those who were born into the registry.

Eventually  all guns would be either unregistered and buried in PVC tubes (rendering them inert) or registered and ready for confiscation.

People say that the registry was ineffective.  It was not.  It was very effective for if it was left in place, in 20 years time, all guns would be ready for confiscation.  That was the true purpose of the registry; it had nothing to do with crime or safety and as such, was not effective in those roles.